References and Links for LMSL Paper
[1] Journal of Applied Non-Classical Logics 7:1 + 7:2 (1997) Handling Inconsistency in Knowledge Systems Guest Editor: Gerd Wagner []
[2] The Knowledge Economy and the Social Economy: University Support for Community Enterprise Development as a Strategy for Economic Regeneration in Distressed Regions in Canada and Mexico []
[3] Paul Mundy, PhD dissertation. (1992) "Information sources of agricultural extension specialists in Indonesia". University of Wisconsin-Madison, USA []
[4] T.R. Gruber. (1993) "A translation approach to portable ontologies. Knowledge Acquisition" 5(2):199-220. []
[5] Norma J. Slattery. "A Study of Ontology and Its Uses in Information Technology Systems". []
[6] LADSEB-CNR Institute for Systems Science and Biomedical Engineering of the Italian National Research Council (CNR) []
[7] Crockett p.1
[8] Marvin Minsky. (1965) "Proc. International Federation of Information Processing Congress". Vol. 1, pp. 45-49. []
[9] Principia Cybernetica Web []
[10] John C. Mallery, "Thinking About Foreign Policy: Finding an Appropriate Role for Artificially Intelligent Computers". Department of Political Science & Artificial Intelligence Laboratory Massachusetts Institute of Technology []
[11] Joseph O'Connor and John Seymour. (1990) "Introducing NLP" [pg. 230]
[12] Robert Dilts (1994/1995). "Strategies of Genius Volumes I, II and III" [ref. 11 Vol. 1, page 312]
[13] Joseph O'Connor and John Seymour. (1990) "Introducing NLP" [pg. 230]
[14] Robert Dilts. (Nov. 1996) "Darwin's Thinking Path" in Anchor Point (Vol. 10 No. 11) [page 7]
[15] (1993) "The New Grolier Multimedia Encyclopedia"
[16] Kabbalah in the Jewish tradition originally dealt with the representation of the literal Hebrew scriptures. Kabbalah specifically was concerned with such issues as the shape and meaning of the letters themselves; how combinations form representations which have meanings on "hidden" planes; and on the internal logics conveyed by representation composed by phrases and chapters. Thus, Kabbalah was the study of abstraction, as it related to the representation of divine wisdom. Later, (after the Egyptian adept, Hermes Trismegestes) it became a basis for much of what is now termed scientific and mathematical speculation. This is largely by virtue of the fact that Hermetic Kabbalahism specifically addressed a number theory as well as a causal abstraction, as represented by what they called the "Tree of Life". In this system each Hebrew letter also stands for a number. While letter combinations conveyed semantic meaning, their numerical equivalents also carried numerological semantics, which was considered to suppliment the exoteric one.
[17] H. T. Goranson, Sirius-Beta. "The Soft Logic of Thomas Harriot" []
[18] Charles F Shelor, Shelor Engineering. "New philosophy aids shift from schematic-based" []
[19] Peirce, C. S. (1960) "Collected Papers", ed Charles Hartshorne and Paul Weiss, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge.
[20] Barwise, Jon and John Perry (1983) "Situations and Attitudes". MIT Press, Cambridge Mass.
[21] Devlin, Keith. (1997) "Goodbye Descartes: the End of Logic and the Search for the New Cosmology of Mind". John Wiley and Sons, New York
[22] McCullah, W.S. & Pitts, W. (1943) "A Logical Calculus Of The Ideas Immanent In Nervous Activity", Bulletin of Mathematical Biophysics, 5, 115-133
[23] Steven Pinker. 1997 "How the Mind Works", 104-109. W.W. Norton & Company, Inc.
[24] B.F. Skinner. (1957) "Verbal Behavior"
[25] Noam Chomsky. (1957) "Syntactic Structures"
[26] Joseph A. Devito. (1993) "The New Grolier Multimedia Encyclopedia"
[27] Noam Chomsky. (2000) "New Horizons in the Study of Language and Mind". Cambrideg University Press.
[28] Steven Pinker. (1997) "How the Mind Works". W.W. Norton & Company, Inc.
[29] John W. Senders, Ph.D. and Marc Green, Ph.D. ERGO/GERO Human Factors Science []
[30] (1993) "The New Grolier Multimedia Encyclopedia"
[31] Terrence W. Deacon. (1997) "The Symbolic Species: The Co-Evolution of Language and the Brain". W.W. Norton & Company, Inc. (pg. 116)
[32] Berlin B., Kay, P. (1969) "Basic Color Terms: Their Universality and Evolution". Berkeley: University Press.
[33] Terrence W. Deacon. (1997) "The Symbolic Species: The Co-Elvolution of Language and the Brain". W.W. Norton & Company, Inc. (pg. 120)
[34] John W. Senders, Ph.D. and Marc Green, Ph.D. ERGO/GERO Human Factors Science []
[35] Cleveland, W. (1984) "The Elements of Graphing Data." Wadsworth: Monterey, Ca.
[36] Abarbanel, R. (1993) "Problem Solving With And Without Visualization." (Ed. G. Nielsen and D. Bergeron) Proceedings of Visualization '93, 343-344. IEEE Computer Society Press: Washington.
[37] Woods, D. (1991) "The Cognitive Engineering Of Problem Representations." In (G. Weir and J. Alty, eds.) Human-Computer Interaction and complex systems. New York: Academic Press.
[38] Marc Green, Ph.D. [] ERGO/GERO Human Factors Science
[39] Ernest H. Page, Jr. "Simulation Modeling Methodolgy: Principles and Etiology of Decision Support" Dissertation submitted to the faculty of the Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Doctor Of Philosophy []. The writing in this section is largely based on a portion of this extensive and brilliant Ph.D. dissertation.
[40] Nance, R.E. (1981). "The Time and State Relationships in Simulation Modeling", Communications of the ACM, 24(4), pp. 173-179, April.
[41] Holbaek-Hanssen, E., Handlykken, P. and Nygaard, K. (1977). "System Description and the Delta Language", Report No. 4, (pg 15) Robin Hills (Consultants) Ltd., Surrey, England
[42] Overstreet, C.M. (1982). "Model Specification and Analysis for Discrete Event Simulation", PhD Dissertation, Department of Computer Science (Pg. 44) , Virginia Tech, Blacksburg, VA, December.
[43] Nance, R.E. (1981). "The Time and State Relationships in Simulation Modeling", Communications of the ACM, 24(4), pp. 173-179, April.
[44] Ernest H. Page, Jr. "Simulation Modeling Methodolgy: Principles and Etiology of Decision Support" Dissertation submitted to the faculty of the Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Doctor Of Philosophy [].
[45] Lackner, M.R. (1964). "Digital Simulation and System Theory", System Development Corporation, Santa Monica, CA.
[46] Lackner, M.R. (1962). "Toward a General Simulation Capability", In: Proceedings of the AFIPS Spring Joint Computer Conference, pp. 1-14, San Francisco, CA, May 1-3.
[47] Rozenblit, J.W. and Zeigler (1993). "Representing and Constructing System Specifications Using the System Entity Structure Concepts", In: Proceedings of the 1993 Winter Simulation Conference, pp. 604-611, Los Angeles, CA, December 12-15.
[48] Tocher, K.D. (1963). "The Art of Simulation", Van Nostrand Company, Princeton, NJ.
[49] Paul, R.J. (1993). "Activity Cycle Diagrams and the Three Phase Approach", In: Proceedings of the 1993 Winter Simulation Conference, pp. 123-131, Los Angeles, CA, December 12-15.
[50] Cota, B.A. and Sargent, R.G. (1990). "Simulation Algorithms for Control Flow Graph Models", CASE Center Technical Report 9023, Sryacuse University, Syracuse, NY, November.
[51] Cota, B.A. and Sargent, R.G. (1990). "Control Flow Graphs: A Method of Model Representation for Parallel Discrete Event Simulation", CASE Center Technical Report 9026, Sryacuse University, Syracuse, NY, November.
[52] Richard Dawkins (1991), "Viruses of the Mind" []
[53] Tommy and Josh Dixon (2000) []
[54] Terrence W. Deacon. (1997) "The Symbolic Species: The Co-Elvolution of Language and the Brain". W.W. Norton & Company, Inc. (pg. 40-41)
[55] Cybernetica Principia Web, "Cybernetics and the Integration of Knowledge". []
[56] Ilya Prigogine. (1980) "From Being to Becoming", W.H. Freeman. San Francisco, Preface
[57] Terrence W. Deacon. (1997) "The Symbolic Species: The co-elvolution of Language and the Brain". W.W. Norton & Company, Inc. (pg. 71)
[58] Steven Pinker. (1997) "How the Mind Works", W.W. Norton & Company, Inc. (pg. 315)
[2] The Knowledge Economy and the Social Economy: University Support for Community Enterprise Development as a Strategy for Economic Regeneration in Distressed Regions in Canada and Mexico []
[3] Paul Mundy, PhD dissertation. (1992) "Information sources of agricultural extension specialists in Indonesia". University of Wisconsin-Madison, USA []
[4] T.R. Gruber. (1993) "A translation approach to portable ontologies. Knowledge Acquisition" 5(2):199-220. []
[5] Norma J. Slattery. "A Study of Ontology and Its Uses in Information Technology Systems". []
[6] LADSEB-CNR Institute for Systems Science and Biomedical Engineering of the Italian National Research Council (CNR) []
[7] Crockett p.1
[8] Marvin Minsky. (1965) "Proc. International Federation of Information Processing Congress". Vol. 1, pp. 45-49. []
[9] Principia Cybernetica Web []
[10] John C. Mallery, "Thinking About Foreign Policy: Finding an Appropriate Role for Artificially Intelligent Computers". Department of Political Science & Artificial Intelligence Laboratory Massachusetts Institute of Technology []
[11] Joseph O'Connor and John Seymour. (1990) "Introducing NLP" [pg. 230]
[12] Robert Dilts (1994/1995). "Strategies of Genius Volumes I, II and III" [ref. 11 Vol. 1, page 312]
[13] Joseph O'Connor and John Seymour. (1990) "Introducing NLP" [pg. 230]
[14] Robert Dilts. (Nov. 1996) "Darwin's Thinking Path" in Anchor Point (Vol. 10 No. 11) [page 7]
[15] (1993) "The New Grolier Multimedia Encyclopedia"
[16] Kabbalah in the Jewish tradition originally dealt with the representation of the literal Hebrew scriptures. Kabbalah specifically was concerned with such issues as the shape and meaning of the letters themselves; how combinations form representations which have meanings on "hidden" planes; and on the internal logics conveyed by representation composed by phrases and chapters. Thus, Kabbalah was the study of abstraction, as it related to the representation of divine wisdom. Later, (after the Egyptian adept, Hermes Trismegestes) it became a basis for much of what is now termed scientific and mathematical speculation. This is largely by virtue of the fact that Hermetic Kabbalahism specifically addressed a number theory as well as a causal abstraction, as represented by what they called the "Tree of Life". In this system each Hebrew letter also stands for a number. While letter combinations conveyed semantic meaning, their numerical equivalents also carried numerological semantics, which was considered to suppliment the exoteric one.
[17] H. T. Goranson, Sirius-Beta. "The Soft Logic of Thomas Harriot" []
[18] Charles F Shelor, Shelor Engineering. "New philosophy aids shift from schematic-based" []
[19] Peirce, C. S. (1960) "Collected Papers", ed Charles Hartshorne and Paul Weiss, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge.
[20] Barwise, Jon and John Perry (1983) "Situations and Attitudes". MIT Press, Cambridge Mass.
[21] Devlin, Keith. (1997) "Goodbye Descartes: the End of Logic and the Search for the New Cosmology of Mind". John Wiley and Sons, New York
[22] McCullah, W.S. & Pitts, W. (1943) "A Logical Calculus Of The Ideas Immanent In Nervous Activity", Bulletin of Mathematical Biophysics, 5, 115-133
[23] Steven Pinker. 1997 "How the Mind Works", 104-109. W.W. Norton & Company, Inc.
[24] B.F. Skinner. (1957) "Verbal Behavior"
[25] Noam Chomsky. (1957) "Syntactic Structures"
[26] Joseph A. Devito. (1993) "The New Grolier Multimedia Encyclopedia"
[27] Noam Chomsky. (2000) "New Horizons in the Study of Language and Mind". Cambrideg University Press.
[28] Steven Pinker. (1997) "How the Mind Works". W.W. Norton & Company, Inc.
[29] John W. Senders, Ph.D. and Marc Green, Ph.D. ERGO/GERO Human Factors Science []
[30] (1993) "The New Grolier Multimedia Encyclopedia"
[31] Terrence W. Deacon. (1997) "The Symbolic Species: The Co-Evolution of Language and the Brain". W.W. Norton & Company, Inc. (pg. 116)
[32] Berlin B., Kay, P. (1969) "Basic Color Terms: Their Universality and Evolution". Berkeley: University Press.
[33] Terrence W. Deacon. (1997) "The Symbolic Species: The Co-Elvolution of Language and the Brain". W.W. Norton & Company, Inc. (pg. 120)
[34] John W. Senders, Ph.D. and Marc Green, Ph.D. ERGO/GERO Human Factors Science []
[35] Cleveland, W. (1984) "The Elements of Graphing Data." Wadsworth: Monterey, Ca.
[36] Abarbanel, R. (1993) "Problem Solving With And Without Visualization." (Ed. G. Nielsen and D. Bergeron) Proceedings of Visualization '93, 343-344. IEEE Computer Society Press: Washington.
[37] Woods, D. (1991) "The Cognitive Engineering Of Problem Representations." In (G. Weir and J. Alty, eds.) Human-Computer Interaction and complex systems. New York: Academic Press.
[38] Marc Green, Ph.D. [] ERGO/GERO Human Factors Science
[39] Ernest H. Page, Jr. "Simulation Modeling Methodolgy: Principles and Etiology of Decision Support" Dissertation submitted to the faculty of the Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Doctor Of Philosophy []. The writing in this section is largely based on a portion of this extensive and brilliant Ph.D. dissertation.
[40] Nance, R.E. (1981). "The Time and State Relationships in Simulation Modeling", Communications of the ACM, 24(4), pp. 173-179, April.
[41] Holbaek-Hanssen, E., Handlykken, P. and Nygaard, K. (1977). "System Description and the Delta Language", Report No. 4, (pg 15) Robin Hills (Consultants) Ltd., Surrey, England
[42] Overstreet, C.M. (1982). "Model Specification and Analysis for Discrete Event Simulation", PhD Dissertation, Department of Computer Science (Pg. 44) , Virginia Tech, Blacksburg, VA, December.
[43] Nance, R.E. (1981). "The Time and State Relationships in Simulation Modeling", Communications of the ACM, 24(4), pp. 173-179, April.
[44] Ernest H. Page, Jr. "Simulation Modeling Methodolgy: Principles and Etiology of Decision Support" Dissertation submitted to the faculty of the Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Doctor Of Philosophy [].
[45] Lackner, M.R. (1964). "Digital Simulation and System Theory", System Development Corporation, Santa Monica, CA.
[46] Lackner, M.R. (1962). "Toward a General Simulation Capability", In: Proceedings of the AFIPS Spring Joint Computer Conference, pp. 1-14, San Francisco, CA, May 1-3.
[47] Rozenblit, J.W. and Zeigler (1993). "Representing and Constructing System Specifications Using the System Entity Structure Concepts", In: Proceedings of the 1993 Winter Simulation Conference, pp. 604-611, Los Angeles, CA, December 12-15.
[48] Tocher, K.D. (1963). "The Art of Simulation", Van Nostrand Company, Princeton, NJ.
[49] Paul, R.J. (1993). "Activity Cycle Diagrams and the Three Phase Approach", In: Proceedings of the 1993 Winter Simulation Conference, pp. 123-131, Los Angeles, CA, December 12-15.
[50] Cota, B.A. and Sargent, R.G. (1990). "Simulation Algorithms for Control Flow Graph Models", CASE Center Technical Report 9023, Sryacuse University, Syracuse, NY, November.
[51] Cota, B.A. and Sargent, R.G. (1990). "Control Flow Graphs: A Method of Model Representation for Parallel Discrete Event Simulation", CASE Center Technical Report 9026, Sryacuse University, Syracuse, NY, November.
[52] Richard Dawkins (1991), "Viruses of the Mind" []
[53] Tommy and Josh Dixon (2000) []
[54] Terrence W. Deacon. (1997) "The Symbolic Species: The Co-Elvolution of Language and the Brain". W.W. Norton & Company, Inc. (pg. 40-41)
[55] Cybernetica Principia Web, "Cybernetics and the Integration of Knowledge". []
[56] Ilya Prigogine. (1980) "From Being to Becoming", W.H. Freeman. San Francisco, Preface
[57] Terrence W. Deacon. (1997) "The Symbolic Species: The co-elvolution of Language and the Brain". W.W. Norton & Company, Inc. (pg. 71)
[58] Steven Pinker. (1997) "How the Mind Works", W.W. Norton & Company, Inc. (pg. 315)